Together...we are better.
The dream...that 80% of the high-end products that are integral to Hyclyff come from North American based companies and manufacturing plants. The realization...that in buying Canadian and American (CANAM) we not only perpetuate jobs in both countries, but in doing so our project becomes more sustainable.
We are searching for the consummate building products within a 500 mile radius. Why bring in the steel, stovetops or saunas from over 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometres for us Canucks) away when we can buy locally, within British Columbia, Alberta or Washington State?
The 80/20 rule: Lets face it, we are realists...we can’t find the best of everything in North America. (Full disclosure: we drive imported vehicles and are passionate about Italian design and French champagne). However, if we strive for at least 80% CanAm Buying Power we will not only boost our local economies, but will be gentler on our environment. We are driven first and utmost in providing unparalleled quality. In doing so, we are poised to discover the very best.
Useful Links - BC & Beyond
Canadian Home Builders’ Association
Canadian Home Builders’ Association British Columbia
E-Flora BC
Energy Star
Forest Stewardship Council®
Greenest City 2020 Action Plan
Invasive Species Council of British Columbia
LEED® - Canada Green Building Council
LEED® - US Green Building Council
Lighthouse Park – Native Plants
National Institute of Building Sciences
Native Plant Society of British Columbia
Natural Resources Canada – Green Building Certification
Power Smart
R-2000 Homes
Rebates & Savings - BC Hydro
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Whole Building Design Guide